Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Language in Marketing

Language in Marketing 

  In the world of marketing and business, words are used to communicate in more than one way. Language is used to sell a product, to draw curiosity and interest, and to get consumers to want to buy the product at hand. Using persuasive language is going to attract customers to the product. According to entrepreneur.com, these are the top ten persuasive words that a customer wants to hear to draw them in for a purchase.  
   Being persuasive is not the only way you can draw a customer in for a purchase. Language in marketing is used to draw the attention of a consumer to the product. Most of the time, this is done by using slogans or catch phrases that will either remain in a consumer’s head if they hear it on the radio or television, or, catch the consumer’s eye if they pass it on a billboard.
Picture from blogspot.com via google images
 According to the article “Marketers take a fresh look at the language barrier” from the New York Times, written by Eric Pfanner, companies have different marketing strategies for different places. Marketing in different areas would be effective different ways for targeting consumers. Marketers should know that slogans and the content of what they are trying to sell is going to differentiate depending on where they are marketed. To make sure that the slogans and selling points are clear and concise, the language needs to be understood by the consumers. The language must appeal to people who already buy the product and future consumers.
  Memes are another way that consumers can communicate to consumers. According to the article “Meme Marketing: How Brands are Speaking a New Consumer Language” on Forbes, marketers are jumping at the chance to use social media to their advantage. The marketing team tailors the content so that it will attract the most amount of people via social media. This new way of marketing is going to attract the attention of more consumers which will hopefully lead to the increase of sales. Marketers must use technology and what is popular at the time to boost consumer response.

    The power of words and use of language in marketing is important. Especially in making advertisements to sell the product. According to an article on morethanbranding.com, “Both Advertising and Marketing use graphical, textual, verbal or sound communication tools in order to construct messages that lead to consumption of products and services that are offered by a brand…” According to the article, is the marketing team does these six things, it will be successful in the use of the language to attract consumers. The messages should be simple, they should effectively communicate a story, it should be short and concise, the context should be effective, use rhetoric language that is understandable, and use symbology that consumers will understand and will be effective.  

            The use of language in marketing should be able to draw the attention of the consumer to the product. The marketing strategies should be able to sell the product from the slogan and the advertisement.